Current Events ...

STRETCH, HIKE, RELAX 2023 events listed below!

Upcoming Dates:

September 17
October 8
October 22

Rotating Locations for 2023
Chicago Portage Site, Marquette Park, Big Marsh Bike Park


Meet at 10AM.

Yoga asana 10:10AM

Walk 10:40AM

Yoga Nidra 11:40AM

Goodbye 12PM

Marquette Park

This large Chicago Park District location includes Natural Area contains prairie, savanna, and, wetland habitats, and “Ashburn Prairie.” The area is historically significant as site of the 1966 housing march lead by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Resource: Chicago Park District

Big Marsh Bike Park

This large space has been a part of the Chicago Park District since 2011 and has been restoring the habitat from it’s industrial past.

You’re invited…Because being with others intentionally can help.

Hike, Stretch, Relax: Community nature walk, gentle asana, yoga nidra

Each monthly two-hour event featured yoga asana (gentle stretching), 45-60 minutes of walking in nature, and yoga nidra (conscious relaxation/meditation).

Just being outdoors can be soothing and relaxing for our body systems. Through using our senses in nature, moving, and being in community, my intention is to help start to build renewal and healing for yourself and others in outdoor spaces.

I offer monthly meet-ups for connecting with nature, yourself, and others in rotating locations throughout Chicago’s southside city and suburbs. Come to explore our outdoors at local parks and forest preserves.

Stretching and meditation will take place in grass/field area. If available at location, shelter space can be utilized.

All locations have free parking. Bathroom facilities with either port-o-potty or building, depending on location. Event takes place rain or shine, but in severe weather will be cancelled. Please dress for the weather!

Hope you can join us!

What else can I expect?

For the asana/yoga stretching, I will have some mats for those that want. Please bring your own exercise mat or blanket if you have. Beginners welcomed, encouraged and expected! Stretches will be gentle and slow, and geared towards getting ready for walking.

For hiking portion, expect 1.5-2.5 miles of walking, depending on location. Wear shoes that are comfortable for you for this distance. Depending on location, some paths are paved, some are not. Some locations are a mix of both. We will stay together during the hike and take breaks as needed.

For the yoga nidra/meditation, there will be little to no movement during this activity. You can do this standing, sitting, walking, laying down. Please bring any supplies to be comfortable and relaxed, such as blanket or mat.


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Contact Us

We’d love to hear from regarding events, services, or questions!

Email us at

Call: (773)606-1959

10725 S. Western Ave
Chicago, IL 60643

Thanks again for being here.

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